

Hub of the Sonador Worldbuilding System
Sonador Cromwell icon

Sonador Cromwell

Helvetican Hegemony
Red Vox - Almost a Stranger

Sonador Cromwell


Sonador Blackwood Cromwell was born in Mountain View, California on July 10th, 1990, and grew up in the City of San Jose. He was an exceptionally introverted, solitary child and had only a handful of friends at any given time through most of his schooling. Being a misfit, it took him longer than most to develop normal social skills and confidence that his peers otherwise possessed. What he lacked in social grace, however, he made up for relative intuition and intelligence, and although he had few friends and was badly socially awkward, he excelled in his schooling. Sonador did his best to fit in otherwise, and had a relatively normal middle-class upbrining for a child of divorce. After his father’s death on August 18th, 2011, however, Sonador began to be abused heavily by his stepfather and mother. His mental health began to decline, and shortly he began to fail classes, lose friends, and developed severe depression by the time he was a teenager. Eventually, he left home in the winter of 2007.

Sonador couchsurfed around San Jose for a year or two, spending most of this time in a cramped Section 8 apartment in a bad part of town. He held menial jobs as best he could, abused alcohol often, slept around, and got into trouble frequently before finally winding up as a night shift security guard. After a year, he switched contractors, and with the stability and connections it brought, he finally began to stand on his own two feet and build a life and identity for himself. After four more years, he began working in-house for an HOA in San Jose, and during this time mended bridges with several old friends, and began to find his home in online communities throughout the web.

In 2018, Sonador met the love of his life, and after some time, quit working in San Jose, drove across the US, and met several of his online friends along the way. After two weeks on the road, he finally arrived home in northern New Jersey, moving in with his boyfriend and settling into a quiet job and normalcy. Sonador still struggles with mental illness and every once in a while needs help from his friends, but overall, he’s the happiest he’s ever been in his entire life, and looks forward to his future.
